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Jesco motorised piston dosing pump type Fedos/Rekos/Kardos

Jesco motorised piston dosing pumps provide a precise and relatively pressure-independent dosing system and are designed for dosing small to large flows where high pressures and/or high accuracy are required. In contrast to diaphragm pumps, the dosing quantity changes proportionally to the stroke length and can be set reproducibly down to minimum capacity.

Can be supplied with multiple pump heads, ideal for mixing liquids in precise proportions. Steam, water or electrically heated dosing heads are available for solidifying media.

Material: Stainless steel, Hastelloy
Capacity: 0.1- 24 600 litres/h
Pressure: Up to 400 bar

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    3 / 5
    Corrosion resistance
    3 / 5
    Wear resistance
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