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Injection nipple JESCO

Injection nipples are applied to the pipework at the point of injection. The task of the nipple is to ensure correct mixing and can be supplied in the following versions:

R: Check valve only. Threaded version
IR: Check valve with injection pipe. Threaded version
IRA: Check valve with injection pipe and shut-off valve. Threaded version
IRF: Check valve with injection pipe. Flanged design
IRAF: Check valve with injection pipe and shut-off valve. Flanged design.

Material houses: PVC or stainless acid-proof steel
Material seals: Hypalon or Viton
Temperature: PVC max 40 degrees C, stainless acid resistant steel max 120 degrees C

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    4 / 5
    Corrosion resistance
    3 / 5
    Wear resistance
    • Documentation