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Calorplast Gas-Liquid heat exchanger / condenser

The CALORPLAST gas-liquid heat exchanger/condenser is a recuperator for heat transfer from a gaseous medium to a liquid medium. It is entirely made of plastic and is used for heat recovery and for cooling and heating large gas flows.

The product range is based on a modular design and can be used for gas volume flows up to 150 000 Nm³ / h. Optionally, the heat exchanger can be equipped with a drip collector and, for use with contaminated gases, also with a cleaning system. The gas-tight casing is welded from solid plastic plates and contains a condensate collector, reinforcing ribs and flanges.

Material: PE-RT, PVDF or PFA

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    • Description
    • Documentation

    The main areas of use are:

    • Energy recovery from aggressive exhaust air, e.g. in the surface technology, chemical and electronics industries.
    • Cooling and heating of aggressive exhaust gases from washing machines, e.g. in drying technologies, chemical metal processing, waste incineration, sewage sludge incineration, cooling air flows with groundwater, seawater applications, etc,
    • Ventilation installations in clean room technology, as well as in facilities with high hygiene requirements.
    • Condensation of vapours in the chemical and pharmaceutical industry, in drying technology in cyclical processes and for solvent recovery.